MoneyBall review

September 25, 2013

Michael Lewis has a gripping writing style. He talks about different industries. Two years back, I had read Lewis Poker, before I joined investment banking. At that point of time, I had only some idea that I had gathered from variable sources on the internet about banking. What I found in Lewis Poker was that Michael Lewis made me feel a part of the industry. Two years later, now that I am reading Moneyball, I am going through the same feeling again. He talks about terms like “a soft tosser” which means not worth my time which the scouts used, .. which makes me feel that I am a part of the industry. His way of engaging the reader is emphatic.

Michael Lewis builds his character in front of the reader and then names the character. The reader goes through the process of transformation of the character quickly and this relates easily. He introduces the character David Beck and gives illustrations of how his hand might twist and turn in different directions. The reader can almost see that in front of him and then he names the David Beck as “The Creature”. Its as if, the reader sees his arms movement and then hears his name and agrees to the fact that he should be called “The Creature”.