Implement an algorithm to print all valid (e g , properly opened and closed) combinations of n-pairs of parentheses

December 25, 2012

Input : 3

Output : ()()(), ()(()), (())(), ((()))

public static void printPar(int l, int r, char[] str, int count) {
if (l < 0 || r < l) return; // invalid state
if (l == 0 && r == 0) {
System.out.println(str); // found one, so print it
} else {
if (l > 0) { // try a left paren, if there are some available
str[count] = ‘(‘;
printPar(l - 1, r, str, count + 1);
if (r > l) { // try a right paren, if there’s a matching left
str[count] = ‘)’;
printPar(l, r - 1, str, count + 1);